Friday, June 15, 2012

German Bread (TAC)

One pint of milk well boiled, one teacup of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of nice lard or butter, two thirds of a teacupful of baker's yeast. Make a rising with the milk and yeast; when light, mix in the sugar and shortening, with flour enough to make a soft dough as can be handled. Flour the paste-board well, roll out about one half inch thick; put this quantity into two large pan; make about a dozen indentures with the finger on the top; put a small piece of butter in each, and sift over the whole one tablespoonful of sugar mixed with one teaspoonful of cinnamon. Let this stand for a second rising; when perfectly light bake in a quick oven fifteen or twenty minutes.
NOTE: A pint of milk is 2 cups, so I would use one pack of dried yeast (2 & 1/4 tsp) or at the most 3 tsp dried yeast, in place of the homemade BAKER'S YEAST. 

A quick oven is hotter than a "Moderate" (350) oven. I would bake at 400 degrees and see how it turns out.

NOTE: This recipe reminds me of some very delicious coffeecakes my old Sunday school teacher used to make. Since she passed away many years ago, no one had made them since. The only difference is, she placed a layer of sour cream perhaps sweetened with sugar, on top of the indentations instead of butter and sprinkled the top with cinnamon. I remember them only rising as high as the aluminum pie tins she baked them in. 

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